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The fabric headliner on my 405 Mi16's sunroof shade panel was in really bad shape - with the panel closed, it sagged down onto my head and got in the way, with the panel open it bunched up and prevented the sunroof from opening fully. Oddly, the rest of my headliner is in excellent condition, and I was worried about the risk of damage if I removed it in order to access the sunroof mechanism to fix the shade panel.

However, I recently discovered a TSB sent out to Peugeot dealers to address rattling noises for the sunroof, that gives a procedure to remove and reinstall the shade panel through the sunroof opening. This doesn't seem to have been documented anywhere else, so I thought I'd share it in case someone else can benefit. I've also attached a PDF printout of the TSB itself.

The sunshade has protruding 'stops' molded into the top of it that engage with the frame of the sunroof panel. By prying the sunshade down at the front and rear, you can get the stops to clear the sunroof panel, and then slide it forward to withdraw it through the sunroof opening.

With the sunroof fully open, remove the front three T10 Torx screws from the sunshade track covers on each side. (Screws circled in green in the photo below, looking down at the passenger side)


Close the sunroof to 'retrieve' the sunshade, then open it again, just far enough that you can get your head in the opening to look between the sunroof and sunshade.

Insert a long flat tool (about 16" long by 1" wide, I used a 1x1/4 strip of wood) between the sunroof panel and sunshade. You are aiming for the exact middle of the sunroof panel frame, directly between the sunshade's rear stops. Twist the tool 90 degrees to bend the sunroof panel downward, allowing the rear stops to clear the sunroof panel frame.

Carefully slide the sunshade panel forward, bending the front down to allow the front stops to clear. It may help to work the sunroof back and forth slightly to find a better position. As you slide the sunshade forward, bend it up and out of its tracks and withdraw it from the car.
Note the position of the front and rear stops on the sunshade - and the fact that I sheared off one of the rear stops! Make sure that both stops are clear of the sunroof panel before you try to force it!
I've just left my sunshade out for now while I see about re-covering it, but refitting should be more or less the reverse of removal. - insert the sunshade into the tracks, then 'persuade' the stops to clear the sunroof panel as you slide the sunshade home. The rear stops have a wedge-shaped profile that should snap over the sunroof frame without much help. Remember to reinstall the screws on the tracks!
Now that I have it out, has anyone got any recommendations for suitable fabric that matches the grey/off-white original headliner fabric?

405 Sunroof shade panel TSB.pdf

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