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Everything posted by absolutematt

  1. So, I'm finally a Peugeot owner. I just picked up a 1986 505 Turbo-GL Edition with the 4SPD Auto(previously owned by one of the forum members). I haven't really done anything yet to the car besides giving it a new battery and a good wash. Any tips or tricks or any sort of other useful information you could give me would be very much appreciated!
  2. Rabin- It was kind of frustrating to have the site down so soon after I joined, but I'm still here. Thanks for wishing me luck on the car search! I did find a car locally in pretty decent shape- a GL Turbo, so no power accessories to break. I made the mistake of telling my father about going to look at the car... he put a stop to that. I'm probably going to have to pass on this particular car (I don't think the owner is too pleased that I had to cancel on him, since he will no longer respond to my emails... ) or any car until I head back to college. So, I'm still carless at the moment. I won't stop looking though.
  3. Thanks André for welcoming me to the forum, and for providing information that will surely prove to be useful!
  4. Thanks for the welcome N9TE! I never knew there was such a strong community here in Texas... I've only seen one actual Peugeot in my whole life down here. I don't really have any specific type in mind. I'd be more than happy to get my feet wet with any flavor 505, or even a 405 if there was one to be found. I noticed when I was reading through the forum last night that there was an 86 505 on offer here in the Dallas area, but I'm not sure if the owner still has it on offer. I sent him a message, but he hasn't responded yet. It certainly makes me feel better to know that when I hopefully become a Peugeot owner that there is a great parts guy in the area. Matt
  5. Peculiar33- I'm very interested in the car. I just hope that you still have it and would still like it to go to a good home! Peugeots are not exactly easy to come by in the DFW area.
  6. Hello to everyone out in the forums! I stumbled across this forum while reading a post in the "Peugeot 505 Owners Club of America" Facebook group, and I'm very glad that I did! I've been fascinated by Peugeots for the longest time and my aspiration is to someday own one. Unfortunately I'm finding that my aspiration seems to be pretty lofty considering I live in Texas, not exactly prime territory for 505s! I did see an STX at my university a few months back though... Anyway, I just thought I'd introduce myself and get involved in the 505 community! Cheers, Matt B
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